Saturday, April 16, 2011


When I go on my route around the neighborhood I like to take some pictures of the wildlife and different things I may see along the way. Usually I'll get a decent picture of some things that you would ordinarily see on the ponds around here like cranes, ducks or alligators, etc.

Today, I got a rare treat. I was able to take a picture of something you used to see all the time in Florida. But in the last few years the opportunity to see them in the wild has become more rare. Now I admit, there have been times when I thought I saw one but the moment was fleeting and I really couldn't be sure. Today I had my phone with me and was able to snap a couple of pictures. These are not the best pictures that could have been taken but I dared not get too close for fear that they may be scared away.

Because these have become so rare in Florida in recent years I believe they have protective status so I wanted to enjoy the sight but not take the chance that they would not come back. The positive thing regarding their preservation is that these two appeared to be in some type of reproductive dance or positioning. We can only hope that their spawn will flourish in these parts. Most of us would like to see them spread from the Tampa area to all of Florida.

I hope you enjoy the picture that I did get so that you too can pass the word that they do exist and they will be making a comeback right here in Florida.

1 comment:

  1. Shouldn't there be ten guys standing around watching them or is that only in Massachusetts.
